• Beginnings

    Moe Tere

    Why would you buy a boat? How do you buy a boat? How do you choose a boat? I will get back to what lead to the decision to buy the boat and where the boat will take us (we hope) but fast forward and here it is: a Freydis 49.  A 49-foot custom catamaran built in France and currently located in Tahiti. The boat was the brain-child of the well-respected yacht designer Erik Lerouge and built in France for a fascinating person, who due to an accident became a wheelchair-bound, yet still managed to sail around the world in this boat. The next owners Patrick and Christine refit it…

  • Beginnings

    Never too late or too early for your midlife crisis

    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. “ -Nobody knows if Mark Twain ever said that So we bought a boat. Leaving everything behind. A true midlife crisis. Friends and family are having more questions than we have answers or time to answer them. That’s how this blog was born. It is about our journey where we are flipping upside down our carefully crafted and safe lifestyle, leaving businesses and careers, and pursuing the…