About Us

About us – I am Jurga, I grew up in Lithuania about three hours away from the Baltic sea. Half-way into my life I had a quarter-life crisis, left my early career in dentistry and moved to the US to start the life from scratch. I am ready to do that again. Jim – born and raised in Seattle, a seasoned sailor who used to own a boat and took a hiatus from sailing until he met me about seven years ago. We have been inseparable ever since – snorkeling in Bali, free-diving in Seychelles, scuba diving in Tahiti, soaking our butts in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland, watching the penguins in the Falklands, skiing in Banff, trekking in Nepal, and visiting monasteries in Tibet. For the record – scuba and free diving – it is more like Jim doing it, I am the beginner, just like sailing.

Easing Jim into cruising on bigger ships took a a fair amount of baby steps because “I am a sailor and isn’t cruising for retired old people?”. To Jim’s delight he discovered cruising on big and small ships to be very relaxing and insanely adventurous because we could sample exotic and remote places and find out where we would like to come back. We have also discovered that we love being on the water, in the water, under the water, and near the water.